Goal - 1 book 110 pages
Total - 1 book 117 pages
Result - 7 pages ahead of goal
Finished Black Rain yesterday, and also read the preface at the beginning. I usually wait until the end to read any prefaces or introductions. Personally, I'm mystified why they're called "introductions" or "prefaces", yet so often end up spoiling most of the book. Ridiculous! So I think of them as sort of an epilogue or essay to be read once the story is finished.
Sometimes they turn out not to be spoilerish and helpful to read pre-story, but one can never tell beforehand what kind of preface it is to be, so unless I'm aware of the plot points of the story already, I generally will skip the intros to be on the safe side.
So, to the ending of the story, mostly as I expected, except for one point, which if you read my spoiler yesterday and have read the book then you will know what. Overall it's a vague ending which I liked. Not enough to pull me around to loving the story or anything, but appropriate nevertheless.
This brings me to a decision - should I post the review in the daily posts of a book once it's finished or offer a separate post to give a comprehensive review? I mean, don't expect comprehensive to mean pages of in-depth review; I only mean a simple post solely focused to how the book was as a whole. Yes, I think I'll try that so it will be easier later on to find a post summing up my thoughts on any particular book.
By the way, I think I am going to do the film thing in here too. A bit of a mash-up of challenges, but why not? It's my blog after all! I already watched the first film Saturday to get it in during the first calendar week, so I'll get a review of it up soon. Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint - 1950s, set in France, costumes oh la la, bright and light and full of music, somewhat controversial storyline as I found while watching it. That should be enough! The answer with review will be up either today or tomorrow, along with a Black Rain review first. Well, a tout a l'heure!
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