February 13th

Day 44

Leaves of Grass, deathbed Bantam edition - pages 335-359 (25 pages)

Goal - 6 books 68 pages
Total - 4 books 158 pages
Result - 1 book 170 pages to reach goal

Today my reader froze! :( It's happening more and more, not a good thing. But this time I couldn't even restart it and thought it was done for. I tried everything, the reset button, the on/off, plugging it into the computer, and more and nothing worked.

Well, eventually, I plugged it into the computer and left it plugged in and after like thirty minutes the screen changed to charging instead of the stuck screen. Then when I unplugged it, it was a complete blank screen that wouldn't change! :O So somehow, I plugged it in again and after awhile when I unplugged it, it started up with everything erased, like brand new, starting me at the set-up screen.

Luckily, my books and notes were saved on the SD card. But I've already been having problems with the reader and this was really the last straw; I have to get another!

Anyway, that really cut into the time I was planning on reading but I still got some done. These annexes are not so great, and Whitman even acknowledges as such in a preface to the second annex. But I'm almost done with them. The "death" section was good, but many of the annexes also focus on death and end of life, so I think it's a bit much; I suppose while he was infirm in his old age he couldn't stop thinking about it and it trickled into his writing. It's still good though, but I'll be glad to be done with Leaves. It's taken me awhile, and it'll be an accomplishment!

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