Day 118
14.165 read, -1.219
Sylvie and Bruno Complete 385-412, 209-215
A Game of Thrones 9-42
Finished Sylvie and Bruno and at the end, it turns out that *spoiler* the doctor doesn't die.
Then I had to decide on something else to read. It was a pity that the mobileread vote still wouldn't end for a day (tomorrow night) and I wasn't absolutely positive what would win, so I had to pick something else. Also, the Odyssey read is starting very soon and I would start on that, but the Companion I ordered isn't here yet.
So I went back to my challenge list. I'm now starting to make good work of it, with A Room with a View, Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded finished. Only ten left. I had thought of going with a half-read one since very soon I'll have a lot on my plate to read (mobileread selection tomorrow, the Odyssey in a few days, and the lit club selection soon after). But both are long (Middlemarch and Anna Karenina), so even just reading half would take awhile.
And then, I didn't want to read another Carroll just after reading two (and I'm still waiting the Annotated Hunting of the Snark to arrive via snail mail as my next Carroll). And I'm planning on waiting to read Ulysses once I've read the Odyssey and possibly as part of a group read later this year.
Well, that only left three possibilites...and all fantasy! Which I wasn't particularly excited about reading just before a book club fantasy selection. I decided against the second Name of the Wind as being too long for just right now and that I might really want to go ahead and read the third right after, and there's too much coming up soon to read. So that left the second Hunger Games or the first Game of Thrones.
I should've gone with the second Hunger Games. It is shorter and a quick read. But I also thought after reading it, I might want to go ahead and read the third right away. And I've been meaning to read Game of Thrones *forever* and I still have a friend who's now watching the next season on tv and still waiting for me to read it and finally start watching the show with them.
So I chose Game of Thrones and downloaded it. And then started it and happened to notice the total pages. Over 800! Holy crap! *head smack* So my whole selection process today centred around trying to choose one that's somewhat shorter since it's a busy reading period coming up. And then I go and unwittingly choose what's probably the longest book on my challenge list! (not counting Anna Karenina, which I've already read half of, so GoT is longer than half of Anna Karenina too)
I considered switching my selection, but I already had it downloaded and ready to go, and I really do want to finally read it, and once I decide on something, I usually like to follow through if possible.
So there we have it. Game of Thrones, then Neverwhere (which did end up winning the vote) and the Odyssey too! Game of Thrones and Neverwhere and Odyssey, oh my! Lots of fantasy and long books on the horizon. Even so, I am still excited for it all.
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