Book Length

Well, I've come into an unexpected sticky situation counting pages. Once a book is finished, do I count the total number of pages the book tells me, or the actual pages read? For instance, Black Rain. My e-reader counts it as 268 pages, but as I count along daily to how many pages I've read, it's actually 260 (two pages at the end for publishing info and notes, six at the beginning for title page, publishing notes and table of contents).

I didn't really mean to be so exact as to worry about something like that, but I suppose it's better to decide now. I would just count them all to make it simpler, but somehow it doesn't seem right, especially once I finish a book and all the sudden find myself eight pages ahead of where I thought I was (adding those eight pages in that aren't actually "readable"). And suppose other books have much longer sections like that?

No, I suppose it's better not to count them. Oh well. So be warned, if you see a book's page number count I mention and you get the book and find it's different and has more actual pages than I said, now you'll know why!

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